Why I write…

ahmed sanni
2 min readAug 8, 2022

To stay sane; as some form of outlet for thoughts that linger and won’t go away

To document my viewpoints, fluid as they may be, so that when they evolve, or I change my mind, I can recall my logic at the time

For the gift of retrospect; so I have a repository to look back upon, because the human memory tends to fail over time

To be clear and not be misunderstood ; as I’ve realised its easier to express all your disclaimers and caveats in longer text (versus say the 140 characters allowed on twitter). Also, I figure that writing stuff down will help me think a bit further about my position on issues

Bonus points

  • Cause it seems like something smart people do, and I fancy myself as one (*lol)
  • Cause I’ll be dead one day, and this would probably be all that is left for those who knew me and otherwise to engage with

Start with Why

I used to really be into Simon Sinek (perhaps I still am, who knows) and he had an interesting philosophy; ‘start with why’ which basically encourages you to put the reason for doing something first (as it allows you to stay connected over the long run)

I really would like to write more often, I just never seem to come around to make it happen. I however intend to try, going forward, to put out something every week.

I really am aiming for consistency here, hence kindly accept my apologies in advance for any typos, rushed thoughts or cliff hangers. Hopefully, I’d come back to complete or enrich them sometime (on a long enough timescale).

Welcome to my world (*corny AF, I know!)

**Quick edit (few minutes after publishing): Now that you’re here, I know you’ll probably be thinking of checking out my other articles.

My advice: don’t bother; there’s nothing good here yet 😏.
Ok, Bye!



ahmed sanni

Thinker. Tinkerer. Wanderer. Aspiring to be a little better each day. Passionate about making my country, and the world a more pleasant place to live; for all.